Get freedom from rent-Time to get your own nest
25TH & 26TH AUGUST-2018
A Perfect Marketing plan
a. A perfect marketing promotion in & around of sarjapur road within 5 to 10km radius of it .
b. Hyper local marketing to reach right audience
c. BTL marketing plan to reach door to door of your target customer.
d. 20 x 12 Hoardings near Total mall for 20 days
e. 50,000 paper insertion in & around of target area
f. 7 to 10 day promotion near Total mall , Big Bazar , hyper market , Mk market , Star bazaar.
g. Cross promotion with Spa , Healthcare, sports center & small marts making sure we reach every target customer about the event .
h. Digital promotion around the target area .
g. Branding at residential society ( 60 to 80 ) in the form of poster , mailer & banner .
h. Around 30 to 40 road median & pole kiosk before the event date .